[Review] Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel by Lisa Cron

Published on 20 January 2024 at 10:06

There is some very good advice in this book—very usable information for any writer. The knowledge and recommendations are solid.


However, I wasn't a fan of the delivery. The information is often vague and conceptual, and as the book progressed, it became even more so. Even with many of the “What to Do” sections, it was hard to distill what techniques were actually being recommended. As a reader, you have to weed around and patchwork the techniques together yourself to really get to the essence of the methodology.


As it stands, this book does have some valid information. But I found it hard to immerse myself in a DIY book that is convoluted, talks in circles, and doesn't have clear points of reference.


2 stars

Genres:  Nonfiction,  Reference,  Writing Craft

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