Fantasy novels generally involve imaginary characters and/or imaginary worlds. They usually include elements of magic, the supernatural, and/or imagined creatures. There are many subgenres of fantasy.


[Review] A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking by T. Kingfisher

I was instantly enchanted with this book. It was so fun and clever. Extremely original. And, while a sentence or two summary of the plot would make the book sound a bit absurd, Kingfisher completely pulled it off. The worldbuilding was great. And the character development was spot on. The characters felt so real and universal that I was in tears by the end of the book.

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[Review] The Secret Dead Club by Karen Strong

Another great novel by Karen Strong. This book is filled with so many of the things I love: ghosts, Halloween, diverse characters, a celebration of differences, a heartwarming message of acceptance, and a loving nod to family and friends.

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