[Review] Follow the Shadows by Rosemary Drisdelle

Published on 18 August 2023 at 15:13

This book had an interesting story premise with a unique mix of high fantasy and science. The parasitic aspect was intriguing and unique. And the underlying message about the damage that humanity can do when introducing non-native species into an environment is an important one.


But as much as I liked the ideas, I felt the writing needed more polish. The book was well-paced and engaging in places, but slow and clunky in others. There were a few confusing points, due to gaps in information. And there were a few places where the writing felt melodramatic. Lastly, even though this is marketed for young adult readers, the simplicity of the writing felt more suited for young middle grade readers.


Good ideas. The writing just needs more polish.


Note: I received this book as an ARC. It is scheduled to be released Sept 19, 2023.

Genres:  Fantasy,  Science Fiction

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