[Review] Gothic Tales by Marquis de Sade (1740-1814)

Published on 16 June 2024 at 08:19

I went into this book, expecting to be scandalized by the infamous Marquis de Sade. Now, having read it, I have to say that the writing is much more modest than anticipated—although, I suppose in the Georgian times it was decidedly scandalous. That is not to say that it doesn't hit on many illegal and/or taboo topics, because it does. If you read this one, just go in with an open mind and realistic expectations.


Good writing. Interesting stories. Some serious moments and some humorous moments. I found the horse-chestnut story to be particularly delightful.


I do need to mention that this is a bit of a challenging read, as is most writing of that time. So, expect a slow pace and many long, convoluted sentences (although I did find that the shorter stories read better than the longer ones).


A strange, but fun read.


Note: I received this book as an ARC. This reprint is scheduled to be released September 3, 2024.


4 stars

Genres:  Fiction,  Erotica,  Short Stories,  Classics

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