This book was an interesting mishmash of the past and present, filled with history, political machinations, and a critical eye to the dangers of technology. Diverse characters and an compelling premise. Many of the historical characters referenced within the pages were based on actual people from American history, which gave this book a bit of an educational allure.
But there were also things I didn't love. There was a lot of genealogy, which became confusing. There were sections that felt like info dumps—slow, convoluted, and (again) confusing. There were places where the pacing was far too slow. And there were also sections where it was hard to muster the appropriate suspension of disbelief.
I liked it. There were some good aspects. But I didn't love it.
Note: I received this book as an ARC. It is scheduled to be released March 12, 2024.
3 stars

Genres: Mystery, Science Fiction, Fantasy
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