
Welcome to Erica Talks Books. Here I review books--new and old, as well as those yet to be released.

I read books across the board, but I do have favorite categories. That being said, you'll notice that some genres on my site are packed full of books, while others are a bit starved for attention. I unabashedly confess that nowadays I tend to prefer my books with an extra large helping of magic, wonder and whimsy, served with a hearty dash of inspiration.

Recent Posts

[Review] Goblins (The X-Files, book 1) by Charles Grant

Underwhelming. I used to love the X-Files on television, so I was looking forward to this read. Unfortunately it didn't wow or engage me. It felt slow and dry. And whereas most books will appeal to a broad audience, outside of the “target” audience, this book feels like it's heavily targeted towards men.

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[Review] The One Week Writing Workshop by Karin Adams

Do not be fooled by the “One Week” portion of the title. This is a full-on, high-intensity writing workshop that can easily be stretched out over the course of several weeks. Each of the seven days is not simply a single activity, but rather multiple activities centered around that day's theme. And these exercises are not the basic writing prompts that many writing craft books offer. Rather, they are vehicles which encourage writers to engage all their senses—to think outside the box and to really be in the here and now—and then translate those thoughts, observations, and feelings into words.

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